Monday, May 17, 2010

P90x Day 42: (Chest, Shoulders & Triceps)

Sorry for the lack of posting last week. It was actually a really good workout week but I wasn't feeling all that inspired to write about it. Last week was more about me getting back in the mental grove and getting refocused on the workout. The effects of mising just one or two workouts are pretty amazing. I think it messes with my head more than anything.

Ok, I promised last week that I would start showing you some numbers. The truth is that I would have done this much sooner but we just haven't been keeping track of our reps and weights. However, last week I finally got online and found the Workout Logs on the P90x website and now we have some hard and fast data.

For those of you that read this and have never gone through P90x before, this will give you an idea of what the normal workout consist of.

Here are the summary totals:

Total Rep Count: 319.5 Reps
Total Weight moved: 1968 lbs.
Total Pushups: 106.5 reps

Here is the breakdown:

Slow-Motion 3-in1 Push-ups: (11 reps + 10 bonus reps)
In & Out Shoulder Flys: (16 reps @ 8lbs) - Shoulder Pain
Chair Dips: (12 reps)
Plange Push-ups: (7 reps)
Pike Presses: (12 reps)
Side Tri-rise: (10 left / 10 right)
Floor Flys: (11-1/2 reps)
Scarecrows: (14 reps @ 10 lbs)
Overhead Tricep Extensions: (10reps @ 10lbs)
Two-Twitch Speed Push-ups: (8 fast reps & 3 slow reps)
Y-Presses (8 reps @ 20lbs)
Lying Tricep Extensions: (10 left & 10 right)
Side-to-Side Push-ups: (10 reps)
Pour Flys (8 reps @ 8lbs)
Side-Leaning Tricep Extensions: (8 reps @ 10lbs)
One-Arm Push ups: (10 reps) on knees and half way down
Weighted Circles: (40 reps @ 3lbs)
Throw the Bomb: (20 reps @ 10lbs)
Clap Pushups: (15 reps) on knees
Slo-Mo Throws (12 reps @ 8lbs)
Front-to-Back Tricep Extensions: (8left/10right @ 10lbs)
One-Arm Balance Pushups: (8 reps)
Fly-Row Press (3reps @ 20lbs & 5 reps @ 10lbs)
Dumbbell Cross Body Blows: (20 reps @ 20 lbs)


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