Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 14: Catchup Double Up

As I have progressed through P90x I have thoroughly enjoyed it .... at times and thoroughly hated it at other times. I have done well at times and slacked at others. I can already see a substantial improvement in my body, stamina and overall health. 

The beginning of Week 14 normally marks the end of P90x. However, I am not satisfied with my overall execution of the workout regimen so I am going to do 3 more weeks of a modified version of P90x. 

Going in to P90x my number one goal was to work on my upper body, specifically my abdomen area. Which is ironic because the one workout I have slacked in the most has been Ab Ripper X. It hasn't been from a lack of 'want to' but more because by the time I finish up the main workout for the day I am tired and I tell my self I will do Ab Ripper in the evening. That actually happens 1/5 days. 

So I have now come to the end of P90x and the main area that I wanted to see resuls in, is lagging behind the rest of my body. But do not fret...I have a solution.

I am going hardcore on the Cardio and Ab workout for the next 21 days. In the next 21 days I plan to do Plyometrics 10 total times and Ab Ripper 15 times. I am breaking Plyo into two work outs. You basically have 4 sets of workout in Plyometrics. I will be doing the first two on day 1 and the second two on day 2. Each set of Plyo will be follows by the full set of Ab Ripper.

I will post before and after pics upon completion. (if you don't like that, don't read)

Here is how it will break down.

P90x Modified (Ab Catchup Version)

Week 1
Monday, June 21st - Plyo (1&2), Ab Ripper
Tuesday, June 22nd - Plyo (3&4), Ab Ripper
Wednesday, June 23rd - Plyo (1&2), Ab Ripper
Thursday, June 2th - Plyo (3&4), Ab Ripper
Friday, June 25th - Plyo (1&2), Ab Ripper
Saturday, June 26th - Plyo (3&4), Ab Ripper
Sunday, June 27th - Rest

Week 2
Monday, June 28th - Plyo (1&2), Ab Ripper
Tuesday, June 29th - Plyo (3&4), Ab Ripper
Wednesday, June 30th - Plyo (1&2), Ab Ripper
Thursday, June 2th - Plyo (3&4), Ab Ripper
Friday, July 1st - Plyo (1&2), Ab Ripper
Saturday, July 2nd - Plyo (3&4), Ab Ripper
Sunday, July 3rd - Rest

Week 3
Monday, July 4th - Plyo (1&2), Ab Ripper
Tuesday, July 5th - Plyo (3&4), Ab Ripper
Wednesday, July 6th - Plyo (1&2), Ab Ripper
Thursday, July 7th - Plyo (3&4), Ab Ripper
Friday, July 8th - Plyo (1&2), Ab Ripper
Saturday, July 9th - Plyo (3&4), Ab Ripper
Sunday, July 10th - Rest


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Week 12: (Plyometrics)

Woa...what a drag today. Plyo is usually tough but I was dragging worse than I can remember today. Not sure what accounted for my general lack energy. The best I can figure is that I have let me diet slip a little bit over the last 2 weeks. Time to re-focus on the food intake. I remember how tough it was those frist few weeks when we were not following the diet at all and how huge of a difference we felt when we started following the diet.

I need to recapture that feeling. I have 2-1/2 weeks left. Here are some of my weeknesses and strengths through the first 11-1/2 weeks.

-Being consistant
-100% on each rep
-Being viligant on the food plan

-Pushing myself 
-Doing my best
-Working around injury
-Not getting discouraged

I really need to focus on Ab Ripper in these last few weeks. My main goal going in was to burn some fat of my abs and get more definition. Yet, the one exercise I have neglected the most has been Ab Ripper. So I am going to step it up these next few weeks and add an additional day of Ab Ripper to the Routine (4 per week).

Thats it for today. I kept thinking of this video while working out today. It is a classic and a must watch: (Don't Stop)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 12: (Chest, Shoulders & Triceps)

Today's workout was nice. Anyone that knows me knows that I love changing things and not getting to stuck in a rut. That goes for my working out as well, especially the time of day I workout. I was feeling like I wasn't giving it 100% the last week or so, so I decided to change up my normal routine a bit for the next week. Instead of working out first thing, I am getting up doing my 1st hour of regular work for the day and then going to my workout. That doesn't sound like a big difference but it really was nice not to be half asleep through the first part of the workout today.

I had a bit of a back issue again last week. My upper back decided to take a few days off so it completely went out on me again pre-workout on Thursday. I was out for 2 days and couldn't move much at all. That is the second time that has happened while doing P90x. The first time was cira Week 2. I don't think the two are related but it can't be a good sign to have multiple back spasm issues within the span of 6 weeks. I might have to see a doc in the near future.

No numbers today. Not feeling like typing all that out.

I will post some after Wednesdays workout though.

Tomorrow is Plyometrics

**I have lost count of the days, so hear on out we will refer to the number of the week that we are on (12 in total)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 58: (Chest & Back)

After a whole lot of traveling the last 7 days, I was back in P90x action this morning. I did manage to fit in several workouts while vacationing. I did Ab Ripper a few times and Kayaked 3 miles on last Friday. Not exactly, P90x level exercising but it was a good workout.

I could definitely feel it this morning. I was even a bit nauseous halfway through the workout. I started the last Block today, Block 3. It was a bit of DeJaVu as Block 3 is a combination of Block 1 and 2 workouts. I went back to the very first workout (Chest and Back) and maxed out on a bunch of pullups and pushups. I was surprised at the improvement since the last time I did the workout.

I dont have time to post numbers but I'll catch back up with that tomorrow.

See you then...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 51: (Back & Biceps)

It was tough getting up this morning. I was reaaaaly dragging. In fact, I didn't finally start my workout until 6:40am this morning. That is almost a full hour past my normal starting time. I believe my numbers today will reflect that. I didn't regress over last week, but there wasn't much pro-gression going on either. 

I finally feel like my pull-ups are starting to improve. They have been my nemesis this entire time. There will be a slight upward tick in my numbers today and for the first time I actually felt more confidant doing them.... I like that feeling.

The next few days are going to be tricky to get the workouts in. I will traveling to and fro so I intend to take the DVD's with me and get in a few workouts. I will shift the order slightly so I will be doing Yoga and Kenpo on the rode. Neither of those workouts take and type of equipment so it shouldn't be difficult to try and pull off.

How about a video and some numbers now.

For your viewing pleasure today I give you the "Superman Banana"...looks isn't

Quicky Version:

Total Pullups: 49 (6% DECREASE)
Total Reps: 336 (6% INCREASE)
Total Weight Moved: 5128lbs (14% INCREASE)

Long Division Version:

Wide Front Pull-ups: (4 & 6 Assisted (A))
Lawnmowers: (16RH & 14LH @ 20lbs)
Twenty-Ones: (16 @ 20lbs)
One-Arm Cross Body Curls (9 @ 20lbs)
Switch Grip Pull-Ups: (10 A)
Elbows-Out Lawnmowers: (10L & 10R @ 20lbs)
Standing Bicep Curls: (10 @ 20lbs)
One-Arm Concentration Curls: (7r & 4L @ 20lbs)
Corn Cob Pull-ups: (5 reps) ** Video Below
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows: (12 @ 20lbs)
Open Arm Curls: (8 @20lbs)
Static Arm Curls: (16 @ 10lbs) +need more weight
Towel Pull-ups: (3UA& 6A)
Congdon Locomotives: (40 @ 20lbs)
Crouching Cohen Curls: (8 @ 20lbs)
On-Arm Corkscrew Curls: (8 @ 20lbs)
Chin-ups: (3UA & 7A)
Seated Bent-over Back flys: (12 @ 10lbs & 5 @ 20lbs)
Curl-up/Hammer Down: (8 @ 20lbs)
Hammer Curls: (8 @ 20lbs)
Max Rep Pull-ups: (8A Chinups)
Superman (5reps for 10seconds)
In-Out Hammer Curls: (7 @ 20lbs)
Strip Set Curls: (8 @ 20lbs, 8 @ 10lbs, 16 @ 8lbs)

Note: I don't tabulate all the numbers until after I workout. I really thought I improved on my pull-ups. Obviously I didnt, I regressed slightly. That is annoying. I will have to kill it next week to catch back up.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 50: (Plyometrics)

While I am writing this I am completely drenched in sweat. My arms, my legs, my face and chest. All as wet as when I step out of the shower. That is what Plyometrics will do to you. It is well deserved though. Yesterday was my birthday and I didn't exactly eat the best of foods. After trip to Genghis grill that consisted of a tad to much red meat and a trip to the movie that has one too many bags of popcorn and a liter too much Dr. Pepper, I was due for a little punishment this morning.

FYI: Plyometrics consist of 6 different sets. Each set is made up of 4 (0:30 or 1:00 long) exercises. Once you finish a set you then repeat it. The first 3 sets go fairly quickly, but once you get to set 4, 5 and 6 they start compounding and getting quite tough.

I don't remember which Plyometrics video I posted in the past, but here is one for your viewing pleasure. This is what I consider to be the most challenging of all the sets.

Not doing P90x currently? Try this one routine when you get home and see what you think!

#1: Jump Knee Tuck (:30)
#2: Mary Kathrine Lunges (:30)
#3: Leapfrog Squats (:30)
#4:Twist Combo (1:00)


Monday, May 24, 2010

P90x Day 49: (Chest, Shoulders & Triceps)

..Happy May 24th, otherwise known as my 27th Birthday. It is pretty amazing that I am creeping up on 30 years old...time flies. Fortunately, i feel better than ever. For years and years I thought about getting into a normal workout regimen but never did.

Nearly 60 days ago I decided to. I am very grateful that I did. For the few of you that read this blog I HIGHLY recommend you do something....anything. It doesn’t have to be P90x, just get on a structured workout routine. Do something that tells you what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Write down a few goals and meet them. Quit thinking about what you want to do or how you want to look or feel and just go put in the work you need to be that way.

It’s tough, tiring and hurts at time, but it is worth it!

Today’s workout was really good. I felt energized and ready to go. I told you last week that i started writing my numbers down. I even showed you my rep count and weight sets from the few resistance workouts I did last week. I never dreamed that just writing down numbers would help so much.

This week when I started on the same routines again I had something to live up to. I attempted to beat all of my numbers from last week and the results where insane. Once I calculated up the rep counts and weight moved numbers below, I was blown away by how much they went up.
I immediately thought of Zig Ziglar for some reason. He always harps on the power of writing goals down. He says your 80% more likely to hit a goal if it is written down. Honestly, that is the main purpose of this BLOG. Not for other people to read, but for me to be accountable to someone out there in cyber land.

Checkout this video by motivation and goal setting master Zig Ziglar and then take a gander at the numbers below:

Here are LAST WEEK totals:
Total Rep Count: 319.5 Reps

Total Weight moved: 1968 lbs.
Total Pushups: 106.5 reps

Here are TODAYS totals:
Total Rep Count: 392 Reps (INCREASE 29%)
Total Weight moved: 2,460lbs (INCREASE 20%)
Total Pushups: 111 reps

Here is the breakdown:
Slow-Motion 3-in1 Push-ups: (12 reps + 12 bonus reps)
In & Out Shoulder Flys: (16 reps @ 10lbs)
Chair Dips: (13 reps)
Plange Push-ups: (8 reps)

Pike Presses: (12 reps)
Side Tri-rise: (12 left / 10 right)
Floor Flys: (14 reps)
Scarecrows: (14 reps @ 10 lbs)
Overhead Tricep Extensions: (11 reps @ 10lbs)
Two-Twitch Speed Push-ups: (8 fast reps & 4 slow reps)
Y-Presses (9 reps @ 20lbs)
Lying Tricep Extensions: (12 left & 10 right)
Side-to-Side Push-ups: (10 reps)
Pour Flys (10 reps @ 8lbs)
Side-Leaning Tricep Extensions: (9LH & 13RH @ 10lbs)
One-Arm Push ups: (15 reps) on knees and half way down
Weighted Circles: (40 reps @ 3lbs)
Throw the Bomb: (20 reps @ 10lbs)
Clap Pushups: (15 reps) on knees
Slo-Mo Throws (8 reps @ 10lbs)
Front-to-Back Tricep Extensions: (12LH/13RH @ 10lbs)
One-Arm Balance Pushups: (8 reps)
Fly-Row Press (10 reps @ 10lbs)
Dumbbell Cross Body Blows: (35 reps @ 20 lbs)
